Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The "P"-cubed Principle

There are three stages to the "P"-cubed Principle. The principle follows a path of individual growth; I'd like to walk this path with you and perhaps entice you to take the journey of the Peace-maker. We view Peace not as absence of war, but as the presence of one-ness between the Creator and his creation.

1 - Permit Passive Peace-making

In this phase of the journey, we realize that peace-making is a nice thing and we all ought to allow people interested in bringing about a more peaceful world to do so. We support peace-makers, sometimes we actually join in a peace-making activity if the peace-maker seems to have an attractive goal or message.

2 - Power of Premeditated Peace-making

After we have seen some peace-making make effective changes in society, we realize that there is a power in having some peace-making 'tools' available to use day to day. To do this, we need to prepare in advance and learn certain peace-making skills, then we can pull them out and put them to work when situations arise. There is a wonderful power in going around with planned ways that we can make the world better when opportunities arise.

3 - Practice Preemptive Peace-making

In the mature portion of the journey, we realize that there are forces in the world that move towards or away from Peace. We realize that the forces against Peace are powerful. Peace-makers need to actively go out, in advance of opportunity, creating opportunities to build Peace. We need to build Peace in order to pre-empt the power of those that would destroy the world God created and His precious children.

The Peace-maker's journey takes the steps above; recognize the need for Peace in our world, recognize the power Peace-makers wield, and preemptively go about building Peace. Peace is one hallmark of the Kingdom of God. Actively cause communities of Joy, Hope, Love, and Peace to bring about the Kingdom that is without borders, exceeds political ties, and accepts all creation in citizenship.

Bless your efforts - jb