Friday, October 10, 2008

Points For McCain From An Obama Supporter

Senator John McCain,

I am a supporter of Senator Obama. However, I am going to give kudos to Senator McCain. For kudos to make sense I need to seem to trash the McCain Palin team slightly. In the last week or so, the GOP team has been using some very inflammatory statements directly associating Senator Obama with domestic terrorism. Their statements have been so inflammatory that chants of 'Terrorist', 'Arab', 'Off with his head', 'Bomb Obama', and 'Kill him' have erupted or been coaxed from the crowds. Calls have been coming from all circles on the political spectrum assailing the spirit or mood that has recently been exposed. Even staunch Republicans have threatened to 'jump ship' over the out of control crowds. I, for one, felt that Senator McCain had either lost control of his campaign or had lost his claim to integrity.

BUT!! Stop the presses!! On the afternoon of October 10th, in a town hall format, on two occasions McCain supporters with the microphone asked questions prefaced by statements defaming Obama. To Senator McCain's credit, and for what is the right thing to do, he denied the questioners' basic thesis and their hate-based questions. He responded (essentially) with a statement similar to this: 'Senator Obama is a decent family man and citizen. You don't have to worry about him. He is a fine man that I have fundamental disagreements with - and that is what this campaign is about.'

Bottom Line -- Senator McCain, the incident above was proper and did its part to make America a better place. Understand that there may be additional treatments needed... (look to your VP candidate?) and you have a string of folks from other cities that need to be attitude-adjusted.

Many people hold you in a serious place of honor, Senator McCain, and if one of the folks (I've heard media call them 'wing-nuts') who got wound up at a recent GOP rally, but without your personal adjustments were to go on to carry out an unspeakable crime against your opponent, his family, his staff, or his supporters - to some extent YOU would bear some of the responsibility.

Tip of the hat.