Friday, August 8, 2008

George Bush in a Wooden Box

I do not even know how to title this. I am nearly overcome by grief. I make no mis-statement that past issues have troubled me. They have. But I am immediately concerned for a current issue that brings me to tears.

It was revealed that we are keeping certain people captive in boxes. Three foot, by six (3x6) foot boxes.

Two things I want to comment on: Mr.Bush, this is happening on YOUR watch. And, this is happening in our name. I am appalled that you think this is acceptable. I am appalled that you think I accept this decision with you. I don't. According to SPCA guidelines and policies, you are not treating these human beings with even the rights of animals. How dare you? Even if they have done bad things, these persons are God's creation.

Of course, you might not believe in God. Or maybe you don't believe God created everything and everyone.

Mr. Bush, treat ALL of God's creatures as YOU would like to be treated. You have only 6 months left to serve and cannot be re-elected, please use common decency for the next half of a year. Please?

And a couple of ancillary thoughts:

1. What is next? What else, Mr. Bush, have you not told us?
2. What is the justification for treating a human being worse than we would accept for a dog?

Back to you Mr.Bush. I (as a particle of 'We the people') - I ask you as your boss, "What is happening in our name?" "What are you doing in our name?" For God's sake do the Christ-like thing!!!